Mr. Denby to Mr. Olney.

No. 2402.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a telegram received to-day from Consul Hixson, giving a summary of the number of participants in the Kutien massacre who have been arrested and convicted and who are still at large. From this it appears that 43 convictions have been secured, 7 executions have taken place, 139 are under arrest, and 100 and more participants in the outrage are still at large.

I have, etc.,

Charles Denby
[Inclosure in No. 2402—Telegram.]

Mr. Hixson to Mr. Denby.

Forty-three convicted, of whom 7 executed; balance in viceroy’s hands several weeks awaiting action; 139 under arrest, including convicted. Many not incriminated now being released on security. Over 100 present at Huashan still at large; 1, if not more, ringleader at large.
