Mr. Wetter to Mr. Uhl.

No. 87.]

Sir: I had the honor in my dispatch, No. 82, of March 25 to state that as a sequel to the Waller trial and case his stepson, Paul H. Bray, had been expelled from Madagascar.

In further explanation of this statement and to enable you to have a complete understanding of the case, I have inclosed herein copies of all correspondence that has passed between myself and the French authorities regarding this affair, as also of the letters that passed between Mr. Bray and myself (the perusal whereof may be interesting).

For nearly a week prior to his actual departure, with the exception of one night, and that only because of John Dublin’s illness, Bray sought shelter and food at my house. I offered Bray, when I received Lieutenant-Colonel Colonna’s and Commandant Kiésel’s letters, an asylum in the consular premises until such time as I should receive instructions from you, or until the French authorities had satisfied me that they were acting entirely within their right, not might, and that his conduct warranted such action toward him.

Bray, however, wouldn’t hear of it, and besides he was anxious to get on toward London to try and float the Waller concession, near Fort Dauphin. Therefore I gave him such slight monetary assistance as I could afford to spare, and confined my exertions in his behalf to the protest against landing him at Zanzibar contained in my letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Colonna.

I think the main reason for Bray’s expulsion was that he refused to sign the evidence they tried to extract from him at a preliminary hearing of the Waller affair, because same was not in English, but in French, and Bray claimed not to know French.

I am, etc.,

Edw. Telfair Wetter
[Inclosure 1 in No. 87—Translation.]

Lieutenant-Colonel Colonna to Mr. Wetter.

No. 671A.]

Mr. Consul: I have the honor to inform you that by a measure of high police on the part of the military authority, Mr. Paul Bray, your countryman and stepson to Mr. Waller, is expelled from Tamatave and will embark on board of the Djeunah, expected here on the 25th instant, for Zanzibar, where be will be handed by the French consul to your colleague.

From the instructions I have received from the captain of frigate, deputy of the chief of the naval squadron, you have not in the least to care about the costs of this voyage, which will be borne by the budget of the “occupation corps.”

Will you accept, etc.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 87.]

Mr. Wetter to Lieutenant-Colonel Colonna.

No. 215.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that your communication, No. 671, of March 22, 1895, was duly received on the afternoon of the 22d instant.

The reason of this action against Mr. Paul Bray does not appear in your communication, therefore I can only suggest that it seems a very harsh measure to transport this young man to Zanzibar, where he has no friends or acquaintances, and leave him there without means of subsistence.

[Page 318]

I would also suggest that my colleagues there will in all probability refuse to accept this man under such circumstances.

Thanking you for your letter above mentioned, I am, etc.,

Edw. Telfair Wetter
[Inclosure 3 in No. 87.]

Mr. Bray to Mr. Wetter.

Sir: I have the honor to inform you formally that an order was served upon me about 4 p.m. on the 21st instant by a French gendarme, from which it appears that I am to be expelled from Tamatave by the French military authorities, per Messageries maritime steamer Djeunah destined for Zanzibar.

As the steamer is expected in a few hours whereon I am to leave, I wish to make the formal statement to you that I have done nothing that can in any way interfere with the French military occupation of this place; but owing to the unfortunate position of my stepfather, and the fact of my color and resemblance to the Hovas, and of my having been previously arrested as a Hova by the military authorities here, I consider that my life would be seriously endangered by my remaining here after the receipt of this order.

Under such circumstances I feel bound, for my own safety, to submit and leave to-morrow as per the order aforementioned; but, sir, I certainly feel that it is an outrage upon the rights of an American citizen in this country for me to be thus driven out of the country and forced to abandon my father’s family and rights here.

As American consul I know that you would do your utmost to protect me in all my rights, and I thank you gratefully for the kind interest you have shown in your advice to me upon this matter, but feel compelled by force of circumstances to request that your efforts be confined to an impartial representation of this case to the Department of State, as I honestly believe and fear that any suspension of this order of expulsion demanded and secured by you would only lead to my private assassination.

Although what I am to do in such a place as Zanzibar and how I can in any way assist my poor father’s family I can not see, yet any condition there will be preferable to my remaining here and bearing the insults and the chances of being murdered by French partisans.

However, on my arrival at Zanzibar I shall protest against being landed there without means of subsistence.

I have, etc.,

Paul H. Bray
[Inclosure 4 in No. 87.]

Mr. Wetter to Mr. Bray.

No. 217.]

Sir: Your letter of even date to hand and contents noted. Agreeable to your request I will confine my efforts in your case to a representation thereof to the Department of State and to a representation to the military authorities here of the injustice to you of landing you at Zanzibar where you claim to have neither friends nor acquaintances and will be without means of subsistence.

Remember you are welcome to an asylum here, and will meet with every protection at my hands or in my power.

I am, etc.,

Edw. Telfair Wetter.

I certify this and the foregoing two pages to contain an accurate copy of the originals on file and record in this consulate.

Edw. Telfair Wetter,
United States Consul
[Inclosure 5 in No. 87—Translation.]

Commandant Kiesel to Mr. Wetter.

Mr. Consul: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter, No. 216, of March 24, received this morning, as also of a letter intended for Lieutenant-Colonel Colonna.

[Page 319]

The letters written by the lieutenant-colonel are but notices which may concern the inhabitants, and have, in my correspondence, only an administrative and officious character toward foreign consuls. I beg you to go back to my No. 85 of March 22, in which I gave you notice that I must needs issue a decree expelling Mr. Paul Bray. I therefore retain for myself your letter addressed to Lieutenant-Colonel Colonna.

I regret that the first opportunity by sea presenting itself should go northward, and also that the first foreign shore should be Zanzibar. But it is absolutely necessary to defend ourselves from hatred of too public a nature, the consequences of which might be in all respects deplorable.

Assuming all the moderations compatible with the situation, I am nevertheless resolved to rigidly enforce my right, which I hold my strictest duty, against the abettors of hatred against us, who, were they by a culpable weakness allowed to work secretly in our midst, would to-morrow become our declared enemies. I have requested from the administrative service an authenticated copy of the decision of March 22 relative to P. Bray. I trust I shall be able to forward it to you before the departure of the Djeunah.

Will you accept, etc.,

[Inclosure 6 in No. 87—Translation.]

Decree expelling Paul Bray.

In virtue of the full military and civil powers which I have received over Tamatave and the East Coast from the post captain chief of the naval squadron by special decree dated December 28, 1894, I, the undersigned, Kiesel, frigate captain commanding the Papin, on the report of Lieutenant-Colonel Colonna, commanding the city of Tamatave in the state of siege, and after acquainting myself with the letters seized and produced before me relating to the John Waller case, seeing that Mr. Paul Bray deceived the watchfulness of the authority and dispatched letters, that he violated not only article 3 of the regulations on correspondences, but also the decree of January 26 relative to the postal service, and that it results (from the letters seized) that he had previously dispatched compromising information to Antananarivo, in view of the necessity of defense, decide that Mr. Paul Bray shall be expelled from Tamatave, and it is forbidden him to sojourn anywhere in Madagascar.

This decree shall be immediately enforced by first opportunity. He will therefore be placed on board of the Djeunah, of the Messageries maritimes, and landed at Zanzibar, where he will be handed over to the United States consul.

The lieutenant-colonel commanding of the place of Tamatave and the chief of the administrative service are both charged, each in his own jurisdiction, with the execution of the present decree.
