Mr. Thompson to Mr. Gresham.

No. 326.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm my telegram to you of the 19th instant, reporting that three sailors from the schooner Isaiah K. Stetson were badly wounded at Santa Catharina by soldiers and that one of the sailors died from the effects of his wounds, as follows:

Petropolis, December 19, 1894.

Gresham, Washington:

Have received a telegram from the consul at Desterro, reporting that three sailors from American vessel Isaiah Stetson were wounded by soldiers at Santa Catharina and that one died. Have asked an investigation.


The information reported in the above telegram was received from Consul Grant on the 18th instant. The facts were immediately presented to the minister for foreign affairs and an investigation of the occurrence requested.

I have received no further information, but will report more fully by next mail.

Correspondence upon the subject which has thus far taken place is inclosed.

I have, etc.,

Thos. L. Thompson
[Inclosure 1 in No. 326.—Telegram.]

Mr. Grant to Mr. Thompson.

Three seamen of American schooner Isaiah K. Stetson badly wounded Sunday night by soldiers; one died last night. Protested to-day; soldiers were recognized; affair in hands of police. Particulars by mail.

U. S. Consular Agent
[Page 53]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 326.]

Mr. Thompson to Dr. Carvalho.

Mr. Minister: A telegram from the United States consul at Santa Catharina has just reached me, reporting that three American sailors from the schooner Isaiah K. Stetson were badly wounded by soldiers at that place Sunday night and that one of the sailors had subsequently died. The consul further states that he has protested against this unlawful act, and the soldiers guilty of the crime have been recognized.

I hasten to bring this matter to your excellency’s attention, soliciting your good offices, with the view of obtaining an early and thorough investigation of this regrettable occurrence and the prompt punishment of the guilty, reserving for my Government the option of claiming such reparation and satisfaction as the merits of the case warrant.

Trusting that your excellency’s high sense of justice will bring this matter to an early and equitable solution, I have, etc.,

Thomas L. Thompson