Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine.

No. 357.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 355, of April 1, 1892, I transmit herewith a copy of the reply of Dr. Elmore, the minister of foreign affairs, and a translation of the same.

I can only add that I have but little confidence that the claim will be settled at present.

I have, etc.,

John Hicks.
[Inclosure in No. 357—Translation.]

Dr. Elmore to Mr. Hicks.

Mr. Minister: I have communicated with pleasure the regret of your excellency contained in your esteemed dispatch No. 76, of the 30th ultimo. I have at once strongly recommended to the war and treasury departments the payment of this account against the Government of Peru claimed by the American Hydrographic Commission.

Shortly I shall be able to transmit to your excellency the answer which will be given by the above departments.

J. F. Elmore.