Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.

No. 697.]

Sir: I inclose for your information the copy of a letter written by Rev. Mr. Lee from Marash, dated November 18, which is of interest.

Several days since a telegram from Mr. Lee informed me that he was safe, but for three days I have been unable to receive an answer to my inquiry as to the value of the mission property destroyed.

I have, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.
[Page 1359]
[Inclosure in No. 697.]

Extract from letter of Rev. L. O. Lee, of Marash.

I have written you twice stating that we are safe, and also acknowledging the prompt response of the United States legation and the British embassy to our telegram.

Thus far at least 50 have been killed and perhaps 300 have been wounded, some of them fatally. The affair is attributed to a quarrel between a Mussulman and an Armenian, in which the Mussulman was fatally injured. This was on the 24th of October. The next day, after the man was buried, the attack began. According to a Turkish official, the outbreak would have occurred in any case, even had not this fatal altercation precipitated it. The disorder commenced on Friday, the 25th. Word came around that the plan had been to have it on Sunday, when the Armenian population would have been in the churches. We do not certainly know this, but nothing would be more apparent than that it was at least a permitted massacre. The worst occurred after the moutessarif had sent a crier around three times to order the Armenians to open their shops on pain of fine. Those who obeyed had their shops pillaged. This is only too significant. Not a Moslem has been arrested for injuries to Christians. A few who aided the Christians have been arrested. The order of the day now is gradually to arrest Armenians who are prominent in influence or position. Two days ago the pastor of the Third Protestant Church was imprisoned. He is as innocent of any political crime as I am.

It is now clear that the people of Zeitoun have risen. They have captured the fort overlooking their city of 15,000 inhabitants. The prisoners they are treating well. Their leader is a Russian Armenian, but we do not certainly know what was the cause of this rising; but we learn on good authority that an order had come to the Hunchagists there to go no further in anything since the reform scheme had been accepted. There is pretty good evidence in a letter from a Moslem in Zeitoun to a man in this city that the Moslems had formed a plan to destroy the place. Thus they may have risen in self-defense. On the other hand, they may have rebelled under Hunchagist incitements in view of the untold oppression of the past few months.

At present troops are moving in upon Zeitoun from its four mountain approaches. The force is from 15,000 to 20,000. We hear that they are ordered to utterly destroy the city and raze it to the ground. This would mean a massacre outdoing Sassoun. In these days of reform, is there no way to stay proceedings and have a commission to examine the case? The guilty should be punished, of course, but we are agonized at the awful probabilities before the innocent thousands in the city. Whatever is to be done for Zeitoun must be done quickly, for no one can tell at what moment the attack may be made. Naturally they are pressing on as fast as possible, so as to finish before the snows come.

Can anything be done to protect our church building and parsonage at Zeitoun? It cost a considerable sum of the board’s money.

  1. The second outbreak took place November 18.