Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.

No. 713.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your No. 677, of the 25th ultimo, inclosing copy of a letter from Dr. Judson Smith, secretary of the Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, dated the 19th ultimo, and your reply thereto of the 21st ultimo.

A more detailed statement of the incendiary burning at Harpoot, contained in a letter from Mr. Gates, was sent you on the 5th instant, which will, no doubt, interest the Board of Foreign Missions.

Notice was promptly given at the Porte as soon as the disaster at Harpoot was known that indemnity would be demanded and prompt satisfaction expected as soon as I could ascertain the loss. After receiving news of the loss by fire at Marash, I deemed it advisable to delay until more certain information of the extent of loss at that place could be known, that one claim should be made to cover all.

I express my high appreciation of the very kind reference made in your letter to Dr. Smith to my efforts to execute the strong instructions from your Department requiring protection to American missionary interests. I beg to assure you that the confidence of your Department in my disposition to observe its instructions is not misplaced.

I am, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.