Mr. Olney to Mr. Bayard.

No. 1064.]

Sir: The Russian Government is about to initiate negotiations through its ambassador at London for an extension of the Paris award fur-seal regulations of 1893 by a treaty to which Great Britain, United States, Russia, and Japan shall be parties, over the Bering and Okhotsk seas and the North Pacific Ocean from latitude 35° north from one continent to the other. It has also made request through the Russian minister at this capital that the United States shall cooperate in such negotiations.

As the objects Russia aims at by the projected treaty will, if accomplished, be of great, if not of equal, value and benefit to the United States, you are instructed to take part and aid in such negotiations to such extent as in your judgment will be likely to conduce to their successful consummation.

I am, etc.,

Richard Olney.