Mr. Porter to Mr. Sherman.

No. 160.]

Sir: I am in receipt of your No. 212, of December 20, stating that Mr. Andrew Roy, of Glen Roy, Ohio, who desires to procure the admission of his son, Robert Roy, to the School of Mines, informs the Department that this can only be done through this embassy, and asking, in view of occasional inquiries of this nature, for information on the subject, as well as on the eligibility of American pupils to enter the French schools.

[Page 174]

Mr. Boy’s statement is correct. No foreign student can be admitted to the School of Mines unless it be on the formal application of the diplomatic representative of his country. This rule is not confined to the School of Mines only; it applies to every Government school, superior or primary, without a single exception. No American can enter any of the scientific, artistic, literary, or military schools of France—medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary, painting, design, architecture, music, declamation, engineering, etc.—if his admission is not asked for or recommended by this embassy. In most of the cases two letters suffice; one making the application, the other expressing thanks when the request is granted. But in a great number of cases many more are necessary, for the reason that those proposing to enter any of the schools of a high grade have to produce certain certificates of studies or diplomas, which the authorities will not take into consideration unless they come from the embassy. These rules are applied to all foreign students. No discrimination is made against Americans; on the contrary, the experience of this embassy goes to show that the authorities extend to them all possible facilities. American students are numerous in Paris, and as a rule they are much liked by the managers and professors of French institutions of learning.

With regard to the School of Mines, foreigners can be admitted there either as foreign pupils, in which case they have to stand an examination, or as free auditors, in which case there is no examination. But all the courses are not open to that class of students, and they are not entitled to a diploma. In both cases they have to pay a sum of 50 francs for matriculation.

If Mr. Boy will inform me of his intentions, I will take pleasure in making the necessary application for the admission of his son. It is not likely to be refused unless the school should be too full, as it occasionally happens, in which case applications are put off to the following year.

I have, etc.,

Horace Porter.