Mr. Romero to Mr. Olney.


My Dear Mr. Olney: I received last night a cablegram from Señor Mariscal, in reply to the suggestion which I had made him, to the effect that Señor Don Carlos Calvo, a writer on international law and Argentine minister at Berlin, should be appointed arbitrator to decide the claim of Charles Oberlander against Mexico, wherein he states that he thinks that the appointment of the Argentine minister at Madrid would be more acceptable to both Governments, inasmuch as the latter gentleman is known to both. If you accept this suggestion we may conclude the arrangement at once.

I was writing this note when I received yours of to day on the same subject, which is answered by what I have already said, and in view of the recommendation therein made by you I will send you an official note in which I will propose that this case be submitted to arbitration, and will specify the procedure to be observed by the arbitrator, leaving in abeyance the matter of the designation of that officer until you shall decide with regard to the aforesaid suggestion of the Government of Mexico.

I am, very sincerely, yours,

H. Romero.