Mr. Olney to Mr. LeGhait.

No. 98.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 18th instant, touching the possible exemption from the payment of tonnage dues of vessels from Belgian ports upon entering those of the United States.

I at once brought a copy of your note to the attention of the Secretary of the Treasury, and I am now in receipt of a reply from the Acting Secretary, of the 23d instant, stating that before considering your request that Department deemed it necessary that a complete statement should be furnished by your Government showing the designation, amount, and purpose of taxes levied on shipping in the various ports of Belgium and by what authority such taxes are levied.

The minister of the United States at Brussels has been directed to obtain such statement if possible and send it hither for transmission to Mr. Carlisle.

Accept, etc.,

Richard Olney.