Mr. Taylor to Mr. Sherman.

No. 750.]

Sir: Referring to my No, 748, of the 25th ultimo, relative to the case of Messrs. Sartorius & Co., I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy, with translation, of a note received from the Spanish Government in reply to your cablegram of the 21st ultimo.

I am, etc.,

Hannis Taylor.
[Inclosure in No. 750.—Translation.]

The Duke of Tetuan to Mr. Taylor.

Excellency: I have had the honor to receive your kind note No. 310, of the 24th instant, transcribing a cablegram from your Government relative to the case of exportation of tobacco of Messrs. Sartorious & Co.

In reply to said note I have to inform your excellency that the only communication relative to this matter which I have received after my note of the 23d of June is yours of the same date, which was received by me on the following day, inclosing a certificate from the manufacturers of tobacco of Havana, stating that said Messrs. Sartorius, together with Messrs. Hernsheim, were the only American claimants who had not sold the leaf tobacco object of their claim. In due time I sent said certificate to the minister of ultramar and surely it will be kept iu mind by the Governor-General of Cuba when he decides the case, according to the agreement.

I have hastened, however, to communicate to my colleague the minister of ultramar the note of your excellency to which I answer.

I avail myself, etc.,

The Duke of Tetuan.