Mr. Herdlislca to Mr. Day.

No. 92.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose to you herewith translation of a note, dated at Vienna the 14th of September, 1898, and received by me on the 15th of September, 1898, from His Excellency Count Goluchowski, imperial and royal minister of foreign affairs of Austria-Hungary, in which his excellency asks me to be the interpreter to my Government of the thanks of His Majesty the Emperor for the sympathy expressed by the United States of America for him and the nations of his Empire on the occasion of the sad calamity that befell him and his House and peoples in the assassination, on the 10th of September, 1898, at Geneva, Switzerland, by an Italian anarchist, of his beloved wife, the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary.

I have the honor, etc.,

Charles V. Herdliska,
Chargé d Affaires ad Interim.
[Inclosure in No. 92.]

Count Welsersheimb to the Austro-Hungarian minister of foreign affairs.

Honorable Sir: I have not failed to convey to the knowledge of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, my most gracious master, the expression of sympathy offered by you in your own name and in the name of your Government on the occasion of the dire calamity that befell His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty and all the nations of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

Pursuant to an instruction communicated to me, I have now the honor, right honorable sir, to convey to you the warmest thanks of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty for this expression of condolence, and to request that you may, at the same time, be the interpreter to the American Government of His Majesty’s sentiments of gratitude.

Accept, right honorable sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

For the Minister.