Mr. Day to Mr. Hay.

No. 816.]

Sir: I append on the overleaf translation of the Department’s cipher telegram of the 22d, and of yours in reply of the 23d instant, regarding permission for Admiral Dewey to dock, clean, and paint the bottoms of the vessels under his command at Hongkong.

Respectfully, yours,

William R. Day.
[Inclosure 1—Telegram]

Mr. Day to Mr. Hay.

Ascertain whether Admiral Dewey may dock, clean, and paint bottoms of vessels under his command at Hongkong. These operations could not under present circumstances be considered as connected with actual hostilities, but are in the nature of repairs affecting the preservation of vessels.

[Inclosure 2—Telegram.]

Mr. Hay to Mr. Day.

British Government telegraphed governor of Hongkong on Saturday to accede to Admiral Dewey’s application.
