Mr. White to Mr. Hay.

No. 832.]

Sir: The telegrams in the press have doubtless informed you that the Imperial Government have carried out the intention, which I announced to you some time since, of sending experts to the United States for the purpose of studying the methods of sundry American insurance companies which desire to do business in Germany.

A few days since these gentlemen, Messrs. von Knebel-Doeberitz and Marschall von Bieberstein, were presented to me by Mr. von der Recke von der Horst, the Prussian minister of the interior.

I found them to all appearances competent and conciliatory, and trust that their stay in New York may result in removing the distrust which prevails in some controlling circles here as regards the manner in which our leading insurance companies conduct their business.

I am, etc.,

Andrew D. White.