Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay.

No. 1091.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you of the receipt, this morning, of the following telegram:

I have pleasure in advising you that the Prussian fire insurance companies have been this day (November 28) readmitted to this State. John A. McCall, president, New York Life Insurance Company.

and to inform you that I at once called at the German foreign office and showed the same to Baron Richthofen, who is still in charge. Baron Richthofen expressed great satisfaction at the information, which had also just been communicated to him from the German embassy at Washington, and assured me that he hoped that it might soon be found possible to readmit the Mutual Life Insurance Company to Prussia.

I subsequently called on Baron Rheinbaben, the Prussian minister of the interior, who had received a telegram similar to that received by the embassy, and he asked me to express to the proper authorities his most sincere thanks for their action in this matter. He, too, spoke of the pending application of the Mutual Company, and expressed a hope that it would be possible to come to an agreement which would permit the readmission of that company.

I have, etc.,

John B. Jackson.