Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate.

No. 307.]

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence in regard to the steamship Mashona, which was seized by the British authorities at Cape Town before she was given an opportunity to deliver her cargo at several British ports for which she was scheduled, I now inclose copies of bills of lading1 and invoices,1 in duplicate, properly signed and attested, covering the entire list of the shipments of Messrs. Henry W. Peabody & Co.

You will observe that the above-named firm desire that such steps may be taken as will protect their interests in the event of their making a loss as the result of the seizure of the Mashona by the British Government.

I am, etc.

John Hay.

Henry W. Peabody & Co. to Mr. Hay.

Dear Sir: Reverting to our previous communication in re steamship Mashona, having been seized by the Imperial authorities at Cape Town before having been given opportunity to deliver her cargo at several British ports for which she was scheduled, we now inclose herewith memo, copies of bills of lading1, in triplicate, and invoices1, in triplicate, properly signed and attested, covering our entire list of shipments per steamship Mashona.

Herewith please find bill of lading, in triplicate, and invoices, in triplicate, for mark.

Steamship. Mark. Destination.
Mashona WS
Port Elizabeth. HL & Co. Port Elizabeth.
Do Algoa Bay.
Do. Do.
Do. BMC & Co. Port Elizabeth.
Do. Do.
Do. Do.
Do. Algoa Bay.
Do. WCM. Do
Do Do
Do Algoa Bay and GM & Co. Port Elizabeth Port Elizabeth.

We will feel obliged if you will take such steps as will protect our interests in the event of our making a loss as result of steamer’s seizure by the British Government. As before stated, we have written out to South Africa for full information regarding the seizure, but up to this time do not know just where we stand with regard to our shipments.

Yours, very truly,

Henry W. Peabody & Co.,
Vernon W. Smith.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not printed.