Mr. Dudley to Mr. Hay.

No. 352.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your instruction No. 224, of February 12, 1900, informing me of the ratification, in a slightly amended form, of the treaty of extradition between the United States and Peru by the United States Senate, and beg to submit herewith copy of notes since exchanged in relation thereto between this legation and the Peruvian foreign office.

I regret to state that in the ordinary course the Peruvian Congress will not reconvene until the 28th of July next.

I have, etc.,

Irving B. Dudley.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Dudley to Señor Riva-Aguero.

No. 132.]

Mr. Minister: The Senate of the United States, on the 8th ultimo, gave its advice and consent to the ratification of the treaty between the United States and Peru for the extradition of criminals, with the following amendment:

“In Article II, at the end of subarticle 6 (being page 5, line 14), insert, after ‘larceny,’ provided that the value of the property or the amount of money so embezzled or stolen is not less than $200, or 420 soles.

The subarticle in question will, therefore, after amendment, read as follows:

“Embezzlement by public officers; embezzlement by persons hired or salaried, to the detriment of their employers; larceny, provided that the value of the property or the amount of money so embezzled or stolen is not less than $200, or 420 soles.”

I am instructed to communicate the foregoing amendment to the Peruvian Government, and most respectfully request that your excellency will do me the kindness to inform me when it shall have been accepted in accordance with the laws and constitution of Peru, in order that I may advise the Department of State of the United States by telegraph, it being desired, upon the receipt of such telegraphic notice, to prepare and forward me the exchange copy with a full power to make the exchange.

I improve the opportunity, Mr. Minister, to renew, etc.,

Irving B. Dudley.
[Page 838]
[Inclosure 2.]

Señor Riva-Aguero to Mr. Dudley.

No. 9.]

Mr. Minister: I have received your excellency’s note, No. 132, dated the 6th instant, in which you are pleased to inform me that the Senate of the United States, on the 8th of February last, approved the ratification of the treaty between Peru and the United States for the extradition of criminals, with an amendment of paragraph 6 in Article II. Your excellency incloses me a literal copy of the tenor of the amended paragraph.

As the treaty referred to by your excellency has already received the sanction of the Peruvian legislative body, and as any modification of the terms of a convention celebrated with a foreign power has to pass through the formalities to which the said convention has been submitted, I am compelled to await the next meeting of Congress, so as to submit the same to that body.

As soon as that has been done I shall have the pleasure to communicate with your excellency.

Be pleased, Mr. Minister, to accept, etc.,

E. de la Riva-Aguero.