Mr. Hill to Signor Carignani.

No. 688.]

Sir: Referring to your note of the 15th instant, in regard to the reported lynching at Erwin, Miss., by an armed mob, of two Italians and wounding of a third, I have the honor to say that the Department at once communicated with the governor of Mississippi and has received from him assurance that the matter will receive his immediate attention, and that he will make a report in regard to it.

In order to assure the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy that no proper course of action will be neglected by this Government, I have to-day transmitted a telegrama to the embassy at Rome to inform the minister of foreign affairs that the governor of Mississippi is investigating the alleged lynching of persons born in Italy, and that this Government will take all legal steps to secure justice which the facts may warrant.

I desire to repeat the expression of the regret, already orally stated, which the President entertains at the unfortunate occurrence.

Accept, etc.,

David J. Hill,
Acting Secretary.
  1. Printed ante.