Mr. Francis to Mr. Hay.

No. 104, Greek series.]

Sir: I have the honor to report the arrival of the U. S. S. Hartford at Piraeus, Saturday, December 6, and its departure for Villefranche, Saturday, December 13.

It afforded me pleasure, at a special audience accorded for that purpose on the 10th instant, to present Commander Reeder and his staff to Their Majesties the King and Queen of Greece. On Friday, December 12, the King and Queen, accompanied by the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess and Prince Andreas, visited the Hartford. The royal party evidently enjoyed very much inspecting that historic American war ship and accepting the polite attentions and generous hospitality of Commander Reeder and his officers.

The visit of the Hartford to Greece made an excellent impression upon the citizens of Athens. The members of the crew and the apprentice boys who enjoyed shore leave behaved in a way that elicited most favorable comment.

I am, etc.,

Charles S. Francis.