Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.

No. 143.]

Sir: * * * As already advised by cable, I am very happy to state that our efforts to rescue Miss Stone have proved successful, and she is now safely in the hands of her friends in her old home in Salonica.

Too much praise could not be accorded to Messrs. Gargiulo, Peet, and House for the able and clever manner in which they performed the difficult and, at times, dangerous task assigned to them, and I especially desire to recommend to your consideration Mr. Gargiulo, the intelligent and capable dragoman of this legation, who, although purposely kept in the background for reasons of policy, really commanded the expedition, and through whom the legation conveyed any necessary instructions and advice. I can not speak too highly of his work, and it is all the more creditable when one considers that he is over 60 years of age, and arose from a sick bed to go up into a wild, unsettled country affording but poor and sometimes miserable accommodation, and frequently had to spend eight, ten, and twelve hours a day in the saddle, as there are few roads where carriage travel would be possible.

Mr. Lemmi, the second dragoman, also deserves mention for the creditable and skillful manner in which he performed his part of the work in conveying the ransom and preventing from becoming known the fact of payment having been made when returning with the bags, which had been refilled with lead.

I also wish to take occasion to mention the friendly interest taken in this matter by Sir Nicholas O’Connor, the British ambassador here, and also the interest and assistance rendered us by Mr. Elliott, the English diplomatic agent at Sofia; Mr. McGregor, the consul and, at the early stage of the Stone case, acting as British charge at Sofia, and Sir Alfred Billiotti, British consul at Salonica, all of whom rendered us valuable assistance and advice; and it would give me great pleasure if you were to intimate to the British Government the gratitude which is felt for their kindly interest and assistance.

I have, etc.,

John G. A. Leishman.