Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay.

No. 680. Santo Domingo Series.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose to the Department the correspondence that it has passed between the provisional government and this legation, on the subject of recognizing the present government.

I am, etc.,

W. F. Powell.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Mr. Alfau to Mr. Powell.

Hon. W. F. Powell: I have the honor to communicate to your excellency that the revolution initiated in Puerto Plata on October 24 last, having triumphed, and having the support of the whole Republic the Government under the presidency of Gen. Charles F. Morales has been constituted in the following form: Gen. Charles Heynoso, minister of interior and police; Citizen Miguel Emilio Alfau, minister of foreign relations; Citizen Enrique Jimenes, minister of justice and public instruction; Citizen Enrique Pou, minister of finance and commerce; Gen. Eliseo Cabrera, minister of war and marine; Citizen Eladio Victoria, minister of improvement and public works; Gen. Charles Ginebra, minister of posts and telegraphs.

The desire to increase each day the chain of cordial relations that unite the Dominican Republic with the State so highly represented by your excellency, moves me to request in the name of my Government the recognition of this Government as a base upon which ought to rest the relations that have existed and ought to exist always between the Dominican people and the nation that has charged to your excellency its representation in this Republic.

The men who are in charge of the public affairs, being imbued with the salutary purpose of organizing the prosperity of the country upon a solid foundation and bring about more cordial relations with friendly nations, do not doubt that your excellency will effectually contribute toward strengthening the bonds of mutual friendship between my Government and that of the nation so worthily represented by your excellency, and request you specially to inform your Government of the existence of the Government which has recently taken charge of national affairs, with the unanimous support of the country, as a result of the revolutionary movement of October 24 last.

Please accept, etc.,

Miguel E. Alfau.
[Inclosure 2.]

Mr. Powell to Mr. Alfau.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s favor of December 2, by which you inform me that Gen. Carlos Morales is the provisional [Page 262] president of this Republic and that he had selected as members of his cabinet certain gentlemen to assist him in conducting the affairs of the present Government, the names of whom I find in your dispatch.

Your excellency also informs me that it is the desire of the new Government to increase the cordial relations of this Republic with that of the United States of North America, of which I have the honor to be its representative.

Further, your excellency informs me that it is the aim and purpose of General Morales, the President, and the members of his cabinet, to organize upon a solid foundation the future prosperity of the country.

Your excellency finally requests that I will bring these facts to the knowledge of my Government, and with a view to the recognition of the present Government.

In reply to your excellency’s favor I am very glad to be informed that General Morales is the Provisional President of the Republic and also to receive the names of the members of his cabinet; and lastly, to learn that it is the wish of General Morales to cement the bonds of amity that exist at the present time between the Republic of Santo Domingo and my Government.

In response to your request for recognition, I will be glad to do so when I am informed by your excellency upon the following matters:

That the present Government pledge itself to recognize all the engagements entered into between this legation and the Dominican Republic, and all former engagements made with preceding administrations.

If your excellnecy’s government agrees to the above, I will with pleasure communicate the same to my Government by cable, and upon receipt of reply will communicate the same to your excellency.

Please accept, etc.,

Please accept, etc.,

W. F. Powell.