Mr. Eddy to Mr. Hay.

No. 197.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your instruction No. 155, dated October 13, 1904, whereby I am instructed to bring to the attention of the Russian Government an instance of what appears to be a violation of the provisions of the Universal Postal Convention, in the confiscation or detention by the Russian Vladivostock Squadron of mail matter from the United States on board the British steamer Calchas, which was seized off the Japanese coast on or about July 26 last.

I have requested an interview with Count Lamsdorff in order that I may present the matter to him in person, and I shall probably be enabled to see him during the afternoon of to-morrow, the 27th of October.

I have also the honor to inclose herewith the copy of the note which I shall send to him at this time.

I have, etc.,

Spencer Eddy.

Mr. Eddy to Count Lamsdorff.

Your Excellency: I have the honor to inform your excellency that I have this day received instructions from the Department of State directing me to call the attention of the Russian Government to the confiscation or detention by the Russian Vladivostok Squadron of mail matter from the United States [Page 774] on board the British steamship Calchas, siezed off the Japan coast about July 26 last.

This would appear to be a violation of the provisions of the Universal Postal Convention, and I am instructed to request that the Imperial Government cause an investigation to be made and appropriate action taken as soon as possible.

Any interruption of regular postal communication entails such serious inconvenience to various interests that, apart from the provisions of treaty, a usage has in recent years grown up to exempt neutral mails from search or seizure. In presenting this matter to your excellency I desire to express the firm confidence of my Government that in their treatment of this subject the Imperial Government will recognize the tendency of recent international usage to exempt neutral mails from molestation.

I avail, etc.,

Spencer Eddy.