The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Wilson.

No. 183.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 412 of the 15th ultimo, reporting the representations made by you to the Japanese Government, pursuant to telegraphic instructions of February 23 last, in the matter of the “open door” in Manchuria.

The department is gratified at your keen appreciation of the importance of the question and of the gravity of the situation which is likely to arise if the discriminatory restrictions of the Japanese are carried out in Manchuria under cover of the temporary military occupation of the territory which was the theater of hostilities during the late war, thereby frustrating the “open-door” policy to secure which the Japanese Government stands solemnly pledged. The later telegrams sent to you show the serious concern which this exclusive policy occasions to this Government.

In this connection you should advert to the similar exclusiveness which the Japanese are effecting in Korea, to the detriment of the treaty rights of our citizens in that country, and to the prejudice of the rights of this Government, which rest on the faith of treaties and are pledged to us by the assurances heretofore given by Japan.

I am, etc.,

Robert Bacon,
Acting Secretary.