The Secretary of State to Minister Pearson.

No. 70.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 138 of the 12th ultimo, stating that the Persian Government had decided to instruct its minister here to discuss with this Government the question of the payment of a greater indemnity on account of the murder of the late Benjamin W. Labaree, in lieu of the punishment of the murderer, whose recapture is said to be impracticable.

[Page 1216]

In reply I have to say that inasmuch as the Persian ministry has exercised its prerogative in transferring negotiations to its representative at Washington, the further discussion of the Labaree murder Avill take place here.

You will inform the Persian Government, however, that nothing has happened to change the opinion of this Government, as expressed in the department’s telegram to you of February 17, 1906, that no money payment will be admitted in lieu of the faithful performance of the clear duty to which the Persian Government stands pledged.

I am, etc.,

Elihu Root.

Note.—Subsequent correspondence will be published in Foreign Relations, 1907.