The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Ambassador.

No. 17.]

Excellency: I have received the note which you did me the honor to address to me on the 25th of April, and by which, under the instructions of your Government, you invite the Government of the United States to take part in the Third Conference of the American Republics which is to convene at the city of Rio de Janeiro on July 21 next.

I beg that you will convey to your Government this Government’s thanks for the invitation so extended and will assure it that the Government of the United States will be glad to be represented at the forthcoming conference.

It has been the President’s pleasure to select for this service the following-named gentlemen: Mr. William I. Buchanan, of New York, formerly minister of the United States to the Argentine Republic and later its representative in the same capacity to the Republic of Panama; Mr. James S. Harlan, of Illinois, formerly attorney-general of Porto Rico; Dr. L. S. Rowe, of Pennsylvania, professor of political science in the University of Pennsylvania; Mr. Van Leer Polk, of [Page 1566] Tennessee, formerly consul-general of the United States; and Mr. Tulio Larrinaga, of Porto Rico, Resident Commissioner of that island at Washington.

It is probable that one additional delegate will be named later.

Accept, etc.,

Elihu Root.