File No. 2151/33–35.

The French Chargé to the Acting Secretary of State.


Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to send you herewith a note which his excellency the minister of foreign affairs of France has just instructed me to transmit promptly to your excellency in order to acquaint the Federal Government with the measures that have been adopted and were deemed indispensable to insure the restoration of order and safety in Morocco, in consequence of the unforeseen outbreak at Casablanca.

I have the honor to inclose herewith a note verbale intended to bring the particulars of these events to your excellency’s knowledge.

Be pleased, etc.,

Des Portes.

Note delivered by the French Chargé to the Secretary of State.

Events have forerun the measures determined upon by the Government of the Republic in consequence of the recent outrages committed at Casablanca, which measures were about to be made known to the governments concerned.

The manifest inability of the Moorish Government to enforce obedience from its subjects and to provide for the safety of persons under foreign jurisdiction emphasizes more and more the urgent necessity of organizing the police in the ports of Morocco. It is a matter of the highest interest for the maintenance and observance of the high authority of His Shereefian Majesty. Imbued with these sentiments, the Government of the Republic will carry out the measures [Page 891] it had resolved to resort to while scrupulously respecting the integrity of Morocco and the sovereignty of the Sultan. Public order and safety, freedom in commercial operations will be guaranteed at Casablanca by adequate forces. Exemplary punishment will be inflicted upon the natives responsible for massacres and outrages of yesterday.

Concurrently with these operations a body of police for the city and suburbs will immediately be organized in concert with the Spanish Government.

[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

Note verbale.

It was decided, on the 4th of August, with the consent of Mouley Lamin and the Pacha that, owing to the disturbed conditions at Casablanca, a landing party would occupy the consulate at a very early hour the next morning.

On the 5th of August, at 5.30 in the morning, when our forces appeared before the gate of the marine which was to be opened to them, they were set upon by the inhabitants, among whom were many regulars. Six of our men, including an officer, were wounded. Mouley Lamin apologized for the treachery of the soldiers and had them delivered in chains to the consulate of France. The Galilee and Du Chayla immediately bombarded the town, sparing the European houses. The consulate was occupied by our soldiers. Our guns were then, upon the express request of Mouley Lamin, fired at the tribes in the country which were threatening to enter the town.

When these operations were over, the Du Chayla landed troops, and, later, the Spanish gunboat sent 30 men on shore, but took no part in firing.