File No. 4462/11–12.

Chargé Schuyler to the Secretary of State.

No. 22, Servian series.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit, under separate cover, two copies of the commercial treatya recently concluded between Servia and Italy.

The Servian Skuptchina has now passed the last of the series of commercial treaties negotiated upon the termination of the former arrangements with various European countries. The treaties of commerce which have now been passed and sanctioned by King Peter are those with Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Bourn ania, Switzerland, and Russia. Copies of all of these, except the last two mentioned, have now been forwarded to the department by this legation. The others will be sent as soon as they can be obtained. All of these treaties have now come into effect.

I have, etc.

Montgomery Schuyler.
  1. Not printed.