File No. 5767/99–101.

Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

No. 1240.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose translations of the Chinese text of two agreements1 signed here on the 4th instant by the representatives of the Chinese and Japanese Governments for the settlement of the troublesome Manchurian questions. The department will note that the copies inclosed do not bear signatures, but the text may be regarded as authentic.

In view of the terms of article 4 and the indefinite extent of territory embraced thereby, I have to-day telegraphed asking the department’s instructions as to what action, if any, the legation should take in regard to this particular feature of the agreement.

I have intimated to the Wai-wu Pu that if the agreement reached should be found to violate the principle of the “open door” and of eaual commercial opportunity in Manchuria it would be a matter of serious concern to us.

I have, etc.,

Henry P. Fletcher.
  1. Agreements printed with Mr. Jay’s dispatch, No. 807, Sept. 11, ante.