File No. 5315/308.

The Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid.


Mr. Knox refers to Mr. Reid’s telegram of the 26th,1 and instructs him that if present Hankow-Szechuen Railway loan agreement between [Page 169] Chinese Government and British, French, and the German financial groups contains provision for supplying railway material, to which United States attaches the greatest importance, to telegraph it in full, together with substance of any other important terms not contained in his telegram of the 26th and to forward by mail full text of agreement.

Informs him that the British ambassador here states that the agreement and full information will be furnished American representatives in London, and that the department is advised by the American group that their representatives and those of British, French, and the German groups will meet in Europe July 8.

  1. Not printed; contained portions of text of Sir Edward Grey’s letter of June 23. See p. 167.