File No. 20992/2–4.

The President of Mexico to the President of the United States.


My Esteemed Mr. President: I have received your courteous letter of the 25th of last month, in which you have been pleased to very graciously and amicably invite me to meet you at El Paso or other station of our frontier, during the trip which you propose to make in the Southwest of your country in the months of September and October.

I shall be most pleased to know personally the illustrious citizen who has deserved the votes of his compatriots for first magistrate of the great nation, neighbor, and friend of Mexico. I accept by this your courteous invitation, provided that our meeting can be arranged for some days after the opening of the Mexican Congress, which takes place on the 16th of September.

With most cordial expressions of friendship, I remain, etc.,

Porfirio Diaz.