File No. 15778/32.

The Panaman Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 28.]

Mr. Secretary: Referring to the conversation which I had the honor to have with your excellency on the 11th instant in regard to the publication of rumors concerning certain orders said to have been sent by the United States Government to its agents in Panama to take police measures regarding their sailors during the stay on land of the crews of the warships who are given permission to visit the city of Panama, with a view to avoiding a repetition of the deplorable incident which recently took place between sailors of the cruiser Buffalo and some Panamans, I have the honor to inform your excellency that I have received cablegrams from His Excellency President Obaldia and His Excellency Mr. Arango, secretary of foreign relations of Panama, which fully reiterate and confirm the assurances of guarantee which I had the honor to offer to your excellency in the name of my Government during the course of our interview, and that, besides, His Excellency Mr. Arango directs me to communicate to the State Department the following extract from a cablegram from his department to this legation, which I transcribe as follows:

Inform the State Department that the United States minister in Panama is fully aware that the Panama Government has all the resources necessary in order to afford every protection and guarantee to the American sailors, and that it will do this. The deplorable Buffalo incident occurred during the administration of President Amador; nevertheless, after a careful investigation, including the police force of that time, which has been discharged, there are now four persons in jail being prosecuted. The investigation continues, for my Government wishes to punish severely every person found to have been implicated in the crime.

In view of the foregoing, the fears entertained by your excellency’s Government, that the Government of Panama would not be in a [Page 482] position to afford every protection and guarantee to any number of sailors of the American vessels about to arrive at the port of Panama who are desirous of honoring our capital with their presence, were unfounded.

I cherish the hope that the foregoing declarations will be entirely satisfactory to the United States Government, and I have the honor, etc.

C. C. Arosmena.