File No. 12515/2.

The Belgian Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 103.]

Mr. Secretary of State: The State Department transmitted a memorandum1 note on March 24 last regarding the manner in which the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States had been notified to foreign governments after the passage of the law of April 30, 1900, organizing the government of this new territory.

It seems to appear from this memorandum that commercial conventions, concluded by the United States with foreign powers, have been applicable, as a matter of course, to the Hawaiian Islands since 1900.

I have the honor to appeal to Your Excellency’s habitual courtesy in order to learn whether this is really the interpretation given by the United States Government to the law of April 30, 1900.

I beg, etc.,

Bn Moncheur.
  1. Not printed.