The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Russell.

D. P. E. No. 1464.]

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of yesterday’s date in regard to fixing certain extensions and dates in connection with the protocol of February 13 last, between the United States of Venezuela and the United States of America.

In reply, I am pleased to inform your excellency that the Government of Venezuela assents to the 15th of next October as the date on or before which appointment must be made of the arbitrators referred to in article 10 of the above-mentioned protocol. The Government of Venezuela also agrees that the first meeting of the arbitrators to select a third shall take place between the 5th and 15th of January, 1910; that January 1, 1910, shall be the date for the presentation of the cases of the two Governments; that April 30, 1910, shall be the date for the presentation of the counter case, and May 15, 1910, the date for the meeting of the arbitral tribunal.

Note has been taken of the fact that the protocol of February 13, 1909, has been approved by the Government of the United States, [Page 624] and is in effect in said Nation, whose President transmitted it to the Senate for its information in a message dated April 20 last.

I take this occasion, etc.,

J. Pietri.

To his excellency W. W. Russell, etc.