File No. 835.3311/20.

The Argentine Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Secretary of State: In compliance with instructions sent me by the minister of foreign relations, I have the satisfaction of addressing your excellency to offer to you, in the name of my Government, the expression of its sincere acknowledgment of the high honor bestowed on my country by His Excellency President Taft, your excellency, and other members of the Government in attending the luncheon offered on board our school ship Presidente Sarmiento on the occasion of its stay at the navy yard in October last. Not only has that friendly demonstration found a responsive echo in Argentina, but it is proof eloquent of the cordial relations which both countries happily cultivate.

Begging your excellency kindly to convey these sentiments to the President,

I have, etc.,

Jacinto L. Villegas.