File No. 812.00/964.

The Mexican Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 1052.]

Excellency: By direction of the department of foreign relations I address your excellency to say that the President of the Mexican Republic extremely deplores the events referred to in your Department’s note of the 9th instant, which as therein stated took place at Mulato during a fight between the Federal forces and insurgents.

Although inclined to believe that the missiles which fell in American territory and injured a boy were spent bullets, the President of Mexico has ordered through the war department a thorough investigation so as to elucidate the point fully and punish the guilty, if any.

As a matter of fact, which the Government of Mexico desires to have well established by express order of the President, I remark that there is not the slightest ill will among the Mexican forces toward those of the United States that are working so efficiently to maintain neutrality, and this is made all the more evident when we observe that there has been no prior act in which any feeling of enmity could be detected.

Hoping to communicate to your excellency the results of the investigation above referred to and feeling assured that they will be entirely satisfactory,

I take pleasure [etc.],

F. L. de la Barra.