File No. 812.00/1486A.

The Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: In response to your inquiry1 as to the disposition of the Mexican Federal troops detained since their crossing the frontier under arms on the occasion of the fighting at Agua Prieta, I hasten to give this matter the consideration which your excellency requested.

Upon the assurance of your excellency’s Government that such technical invasion of American territory will not again occur in [Page 467] respect to the troops in question, and without prejudice to the course which this Government might find it necessary to take in any future case of the kind, I am happy to inform you that next week the necessary orders will be issued for the release of the troops now detained, who will then doubtless be enabled to return to Mexico in the course of a few days.

I am [etc.],

P. C. Knox.
  1. Oral.