File No. 812.00/1629.

The Mexican Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 1325.]

Excellency: In regard to your excellency’s note of March 9 last, and this embassy’s answer contained in note No. 1036 of the same [Page 474] date, referring to certain shots fired toward American territory during the battle that took place at Mulato between Federal and seditious forces, I have the honor to copy to your excellency the information which on March 24 last Gen. Gonzalo Luque sent to the department of war and marine, to wit:

In compliance with your communication, No. 70207, of the 11th instant, drawn up by the general staff department, I have the honor to inform you that E Mulato, as you will see from the sketch I sent with my communication, lies in a well-marked bend of the Rio Grande, so that from whatever part of the Mexican side an attack may be made on the said position the shots are sure to go to the other side, and in no case could the man firing the gun be charged with intentionally so firing, as his target is no near the bank of the river and the conditions are such that the only way out of it would be not to fire. I beg to say further that this is the first time I have heard of the injuries to the boj and the mule referred to in your said communication.

In bringing the foregoing to your excellency’s attention I take pleasure in renewing [etc.],

M. de Zamacona.