File No. 812.00/2096.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.

No. 57.]

Excellency: Referring to your note No. 1451, of the 25th ultimo, requesting that permission be granted by this Government for the transit of certain specified Mexican troops from El Paso, Tex., to [Page 504] Laredo, Tamaulipas, and referring also to the Department’s note No. 48, of the 7th instant, in reply, stating that the President was willing to grant permission for such transit, subject to the acquiescence of the governor of Texas, providing the troops were, transported unarmed, their arms and ammunition being shipped as baggage, and the Mexican troops to be accompanied by a small detachment of American soldiers acting as an escort, I have the honor to say that the Department is now in receipt of a communication from the governor of Texas in which he states that the State of Texas has no objection to the transit of the troops named by you, under the conditions set forth by this Government.

Accept, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.