File No. 817.00/1696.

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.

No. 51.]

Sir: The Department acknowledges the receipt of your dispatch No. 113, of the 5th instant, reporting that Gen. Mena, the minister of war, came to see you and, after speaking in a rambling manner about other matters, finally referred rather cautiously to his proposed candidacy for the next presidential term, suggesting at the same time the inadvisability of an attempt at a free election in Nicaragua because of the turmoil which would result therefrom. You replied to his request for an expression on this subject that you were unable to give an official opinion without first consulting with your Government, and in lieu thereof you gave your personal views.

You are instructed that of the Nicaraguan matters under consideration by the Department the ratification of the pending loan contract and the amendment of the decree establishing a claims commission are of the first importance and should be disposed of before attention is directed to other subjects.

Thereafter, in due time, the Department would be prepared to give deliberate consideration to such political questions as might concern it in pursuance of existing engagements and the principles of international law, and would consider, when opportune, making appropriate expressions in a proper case upon questions affecting the necessary [Page 668] steps to insure recognition by the Government of the United States of succeeding presidents in Nicaragua.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee.