File No. 811.34537/82.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 101.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the draft convention1 for the enlargement of the United States naval station at Guantánamo which was sent me today by Señor Sanguily with the statement that he was ready to sign if we approved the text in question. Upon making a careful comparison of the draft with the text previously submitted to the Department with Mr. Jackson’s despatch No. 884 of June 1, 1911, I found that a number of verbal changes had been made and that one new article had been added. While these appear in no way to alter the sense of the convention, I feel that the State and Navy Departments alone are competent to decide upon these matters and am therefore waiting to send the entire text by mail.

Apparently the only undetermined question appearing in the draft of the convention enclosed is that of the amount of the annual sum to be paid. * * *

I have [etc.]

A. M. Beaupré.
  1. Not printed; see final draft in note No. 571 of Dec. 27, below.