File No. 033.1100 K77/2.

The Minister of Guatemala to the Acting Secretary of State.

Mr. Secretary: This Legation has been given genuine delight in reading the notice published by the press about the visit of his excellency Mr. Philander C. Knox, Secretary of State of the United States, to Central America, and immediately transmitted by cable to the Government of Guatemala.

The presence of the eminent Chief of the American Department of State among us will without a doubt be of incalculable benefit, as it will be another demonstration of the sincere, frank and loyal friendship that the great Republic happily cultivates with my country; and in appreciating and acknowledging it I take pleasure in assuring your excellency that Mr. Knox and the distinguished persons who accompany him will find in Guatemala a reception [Page 512] marked by all the sympathy and affectionate respect that their high merits demand.

In the name of my Government I have the honor to express our deep appreciation of this act of most delicate courtesy and of the praiseworthy efforts of the American Government to bring into closer relations the peoples of the continent.

This wise policy—the logical consequence of the solidarity of the American countries—upheld as it is by the United States in the warmth of brotherly sentiments, will undoubtedly be productive of the best results tributary to the cohesion of all American interests.

No country is more desirous than mine to obtain these great results in ever growing numbers, and it will always be glad to contribute, as it has always done, to the more perfect harmony of our peoples, and for that reason witnesses with true pleasure and boundless satisfaction any act which, like his excellency’s visit, makes for the realization of those generous aspirations.

I avail [etc.]

Joaquín Méndez.