File No. 812.00/8479.

The Governor of Sonora to the Secretary of State.


It is impossible to reach any agreement between the military dictatorship of Huerta, fruit of treason and crime, and the just aspirations of the good Mexican people. War will continue until the downfall of Huerta is consummated. If the American Government will waive the embargo on arms and ammunition the Mexican people will end the war within a very short time and peace shall be solidly implanted in the Mexican Republic. The State of Sonora, of which I am Constitutional Governor, has succeeded in sweeping away from its territory Huerta’s troops that occupy only the port of Guaymas, which is besieged by our troops. Throughout the entire State is peace and the legal authorities are in office, as your excellency can prove by the testimony of the United States [omission] in Sonora. As Governor of Sonora I beg leave to suggest to your excellency that the waiving of the embargo on arms and ammunition would abbreviate the civil war and produce, with the triumph of the Mexican people, peace in the Republic. In all the Mexican States there are numerous troops in arms against Huerta and we all recognize the Supreme Chief, Señor Venustiano Carranza, the patriotic Governor of Coahuila. We have confidence in the spirit of rectitude that characterizes President Wilson and the honorable Secretary of State.

José M. Maytorena.