File No. 723.2515/209.

The American Minister to Chile to the Secretary of State.

No. 42.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that Mr. Alfonso, the Chilean Deputy, upon his return from his visit to Peru, had interviews with the Vice-President and with the President-elect, Barros Luco, but [Page 1208] as far as I can learn little or no progress toward a settlement has been made as a result of his well-meant though, as I am assured, entirely unauthorized and individual efforts in Lima.

On December 20 the President-elect, Mr. Barros Luco, announced his idea of the policy Chile should follow in this matter, as follows:

I believe that at present it is not for our country to take the initiative in the Tacna-Arica question and that we should defer it. Peru withdrew its Legation from Santiago without just cause, and on this account I think that we, ourselves, should riot raise any question as long as that Legation is not reestablished.

The leading journals, both liberal and conservative, unite in their praise and support of this utterance.

I believe this statement accurately reflects the Chilean attitude at present.

I have [etc.],

Henry P. Fletcher.