File No. 837.001M52/21.

The Cuban Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.

No. 22.]

Sir: I have the honor to send you, together with the office copy, the autograph letter which, upon the occasion of his assumption of the functions of the Executive Power, the Honorable General Mario G. Menocal directs to His Excellency the President of the United States, the Honorable Woodrow Wilson.

I beg you to forward it to its high destination, and I avail [etc.]

Manuel de la Vega.

The President of Cuba to the President.

Great and Good Friend: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that as a result of the general national elections on the first day of November of one thousand nine hundred twelve I was proclaimed on the twenty-first of last April by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled President of the Republic during the period from one thousand nine hundred thirteen to one thousand nine hundred sixteen.

And having on this day taken the oath required by the Constitution upon assuming the exercise of the Executive Power, I am glad to assure you that from the high post which I have been called to take by the vote of my fellow-citizens, it will be my invariable desire to strengthen the friendly relations that so happily exist between our Countries and Governments.

I earnestly wish prosperity for your Nation and personal happiness for Your Excellency, of whom, Great and Good Friend,

I am,

Your Good Friend,

Mario G. Menocal.

Cosme de la Torsiente,
Secretary of State.