File No. 837.156/117.

The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

No. 177.]

Sir: The Department has received your No. 502 of the 15th ultimo regarding the concession granted to Arturo Dworzak for building a bridge across Habana harbor between Habana and Casa Blanca.

In reply I enclose for your information copies of letters1 from E. Floyd Clarke, attorney for the Habana Coal Company, dated December [November] 26, 1912, and from J. A. L. Waddell, representative of the Habana Bridge and Loan Company, dated December 2, 1912, in regard to the controversy between the Coal Company and [Page 371] the Bridge Company as to the location of the piers, of the projected bridge, which controversy the Department is informed has now been adjusted. These letters have been referred to the War Department and the Navy Department for their consideration.

Apart from the controversy between the two companies, the Department desires further investigation and report concerning this Government’s possible interests in the matter, particularly respecting the land grand [grant] feature of the concession.

I am [etc.]

Mr. Knox
Huntington Wilson.
  1. Not printed.