File No. 812.00/6505.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.


77. The State of Coahuila appears to be the center of the most formidable opposition to the Provisional Government, and Carranza, the former governor, is in arms again, after repeated protests of loyalty, at the head of about 1,500 men. The Department will note that at the present time only Coahuila refuses submission to the Federal Provisional Government and that Sonora’s position is undetermined. In the northern part of the State of Nuevo León some rebel bands are evidently cooperating with Carranza. The States which have submitted represent 90 per cent of the people of Mexico [Page 757] and order has been reestablished over three-fourths of the territory they represent. In order that the Department may not be misled by the character of Carranza’s rebellion, I must inform it that he is not a Maderista, but constituted one of the league of northern governors, whose plans for the formation of an independent republic were interrupted by the Díaz revolution.
