File No. 812.00/6522.

The American Consul at Hermosillo to the Secretary of State.


Fearing that the Provisional Government is entirely too weak to combat the situation in Sonora and can not send reenforcements, I have suggested to the Embassy that it would be good policy for the Provisional Government to withdraw all their troops from the State, as they are a menace instead of a protection. State troops will guarantee to restore peace and order in a week and also finish Yaqui campaign. After peace is restored will send a commission, consisting of members of Chambers of Commerce of Guaymas and Hermosillo, to Mexico to discuss recognition. I am positive that recognition [Page 758] can be brought about, otherwise bloodshed and the ruin of State for a long period, as uprising will be very great. All asked for is State rights, free and honest elections, and a payment State troops by Federal Government while in service. I have not heard from Embassy. Excitement is growing worse every minute and, with my suggestion, am sure we can establish peace and confidence as well as arrange matters.
