File No. 812.00/6553.

The Constitutional Governor of Sonora to the Secretary of State.


Sonora, Coahuila, Durango, Campeche, Yucatan, Morelos, and Chiapas, States of the Republic of Mexico, are in armed opposition to the military usurpation of the dictator, General Huerta, and five more States are partially in armed opposition to the same General Huerta. Therefore I, as Constitutional Governor of the State of Sonora, elected by the people of that State two years ago for four years and so recognized, now respectfully ask the Government of the United States not to recognize the usurped Government of General Huerta until the people of the Republic of Mexico have an opportunity to establish a government by the choice of the people. Please acknowledge the receipt of this to me at Tucson, Arizona.

José M. Maitorena.