File No. 711.0012/593

The Minister in Belgium (Whitlock) to the Secretary of State

No. 12]

My dear Mr. Secretary: Referring to your telegram of August 17, 7 p.m.,1 expressing the hope that the Belgian Government would be prepared to sign a treaty similar to that already negotiated with the Netherlands Government, I beg to transmit herewith enclosed for your information copy of the correspondence on the subject with the Belgian Government.2

While previous to the war the Belgian Government had shown interest in these treaties, it was, upon the outbreak of hostilities and during its subsequent movement from place to place, so overtaxed and harried, that, as the Minister for Foreign Affairs said, he had not the time for the calm and careful consideration which he would feel obliged to give to a matter of such a character.

In view of the circumstances I have not insisted further and shall not again take up the matter unless you desire me to do so.

I am [etc.]

Brand Whitlock
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed: substance of note of October 2 from the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs is given in the ensuing paragraph.