File No. 351.115 St 2/3

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Sharp)


386. Yours December 9 and 10.4 Cushing and Archbold with entire cargo owned by Standard Oil Company, American corporation, which in turn, as Department informed, owns three-fourths [Page 364] interest and has entire control of Societa Italo-Americana del Petrolio, to which concern cargoes are Department can perceive no legal grounds for these seizures;; which are apparently in violation of rights of neutral shippers. Announcement by French authorities that if cargo is confiscated French Government will pay the value is not satisfactory to neutral owners, and cannot satisfy Department as the right of French Government to requisition property on high seas is denied. Communicate with French Government in sense of foregoing, request the release of vessels and cargoes, and give notice that this Government reserves all right of reclamation for losses sustained as result of, detentions.

The situation produced by the wholesale seizure and detention of American cargoes by the Allies, particularly by British, on grounds denied in international law, has reached a stage calling for vigorous action on part of this Government in opposition to their course.

  1. Neither printed.